2019 年 6 月 CATTI 三级笔译实务真题(英译汉)
英译汉 passage 1
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)的一篇演讲 The right to health
Both WHO’s constitution and the declaration assert that health is a human right, not a
privilege for those who can afford it. Over time, that right has made its way into both
national and international law. But importantly, the right to health is not simply a noble
idea on a piece of paper.
世卫组织的章程和宣言均宣称 , 健康是一项人权 , 而不是那些有钱维持身体健康的人群的特权。
久而久之 , 健康权已经写入国内法和国际法。但重要的是 , 健康权不仅仅是高大上的纸上谈兵。
It has been a platform for major improvements in global health. Since 1948, life
expectancy has increased by 25 years. Maternal and childhood mortality have
plummeted. Smallpox has been eradicated and polio is on the brink. We have turned the
tide on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Deaths from malaria have dropped dramatically. New
vaccines have made oncefeared diseases easily preventable. And there are many other
causes for celebration. But even as we continue to struggle with old threats, new ones
have arisen. Climate change will have profound effects on health. Antimicrobial
resistance has the potential to undo the gains of modern medicine. Vaccine hesitancy is
putting millions of young lives at risk. Noncommunicable diseases, including heart
disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, lung diseases and mental illnesses have
become the major killers of our time. And of course, we continue to face the ever-present
threat of outbreaks and other health emergencies.
健康权一直是全球重大卫生改善的行动目标。自 1948 年以来 , 人类预期寿命延长了 25 岁。
产妇死亡率和儿童死亡率大幅下降。天花已得到根除 , 脊髓灰质炎也已基本解决。艾滋病
易于预防。还有许多其他可喜可贺的事情。但正在我们不断与旧威胁较量之时 , 新威胁已经
出现。气候变化将对健康产生深远影响。细菌耐药性有可能使现代医学的成果付 诸东流。
对接种疫苗的犹疑态度正将数百万年轻生命置于危险之中。包 括心脏 病 、 中 风、癌症、糖
尿 病 、 高 血压、肺 病和 精神 疾病在内的 非传染 性 疾病已成 为 我们这 个 时代的 主 要 杀手 。 当
然 , 我们还要 面 对 无 时不在的疾病 爆发 和其他 紧急 卫生事 件 的威胁。
In the past 12 months, WHO has responded to 47 emergencies in 50 countries. We are
currently responding to an outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
very near the border with Uganda. As of today, there have been 373 cases and 216
deaths since the out- break started in August. So far, we have managed to prevent Ebola
from spreading across the border, partly (largely) because we have much better tools
with which to fight Ebola than at any time in history. Morethan 32,000 people have been
vaccinated, which is one of the reasons the outbreak has not spread further than it has.
We also have ways to treat those infected. So far, 150 people have been treated with
one of four drugs. 14 million travelers have been screened, there have been more than
190 safe and dignified burials, we have done door-to-door advocacy in almost 4000
households and we have trained more than 500 community leaders. But this outbreak
has been much more difficult to control, largely because of the security situation in
eastern DRC. Armed groups operating in the area conduct regular attacks on the city of
Beni, the epicentre of the outbreak. And every time there is an attack, the virus gets an
advantage. Vaccination and contact tracing are disrupted.
过去 12 个 月 , 世卫组织 应 对了 50 个 国 家 的 47 起紧急 事 件 。目 前 , 我们正在 应 对 刚 果 民主
共 和国在 靠近 与 乌 干达 边 界 处爆发 的 埃 博 拉 疫情。自 8 月疫情 爆发 以来 , 迄今 已有 373 例
病 例 和 216 例 死亡。 截至 目 前 , 我们成 功阻 断了 埃 博 拉 病 毒跨境传播 , 部分 原 因 ( 很 大程度
上 ) 是我们有了有 史 以来 最好 的 抗击埃 博 拉 的 方 法。 超过 3.2 万人接种 过 疫苗 , 这是疫情 没
有 像 以 往 那 样向更 大 范围 蔓延的原 因 之一。对 感染者 , 我们也 治疗 有 方 。 迄今为止 , 已有
150 人接 受 了 四 种药 物 中的一种 进 行 治疗 。 1400 万 旅客通过 了 筛查 ,190 多人得到了 安 全 、
体 面 的 安葬 ; 我们对 近 4000 个家庭挨家挨户进 行宣 传 , 培训 了 500 多 名社区领袖 。但 此次
疫情 更加难 以 控 制 , 主 要原 因 是 刚 果 民主共 和国东 部 的 安 全 形 势。在 该地区活 动的 武装 组