
2024年10月2020:12:18发布者:谷获仔 14 views 举报

有感于吾日三省吾身,英语作文 400 字,小学简单单词写

Title: Reflections on "I Daily Reflect on Myself Three Times"

Once upon a time, I learned a wise saying that has

become a part of my daily routine. It says, "I daily reflect

on myself three times." This means taking a moment each

day to think about what I've done, what I've learned, and

how I can be better.

When I wake up in the morning, I like to take a deep

breath and ask myself, "What can I do today to make

someone smile?" It helps me start my day with kindness

and positivity. Throughout the day, I try to remember this

thought and act in a way that brings happiness to others.

After school, before doing my homework, I take a moment

to reflect on what I've learned. I think about what I

enjoyed learning the most and what was a little tricky. It

helps me understand where I need to focus more and feel

proud of what I've accomplished.
