Title: The Prime Minister's Belly Can Hold a Boat
In an old story, there was a wise and kind prime minister
who was known for his great patience and understanding.
People say that his heart was so big, it was like his belly
could hold a whole boat!
This prime minister didn't get angry easily. When others
made mistakes or treated him unfairly, he didn't lash out
in anger. Instead, he took a deep breath and thought
things through calmly. He knew that everyone makes
mistakes, and it's important to forgive and move forward.
One day, a man accidentally spilled some tea on the prime
minister's robes. The man was so scared, he thought he
would be punished severely. But the prime minister just
smiled and said, "It's only water. Let's dry it off and move
on." The man was amazed by the prime minister's
kindness and generosity.