英语文章: 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟
"There's a path up the mountain of books, and hard work
is the way to climb it. The ocean of knowledge is endless,
and perseverance is the boat that sails us through."
Every day, we face a big world full of things to learn. It's
like standing at the foot of a tall mountain called "Books."
The mountain has lots of books on it, each one teaching us
something new. To reach the top and see all the wonderful
things there, we need to be diligent. That means we have
to work hard and keep trying, even when it gets tough.
School is like a big boat that takes us out into the sea of
knowledge. The sea is so vast, it seems like there's no end
to what we can learn. Sometimes, the water gets rough
and it feels like we're struggling. But remember, that's just
part of the journey. We need to be brave and keep rowing
our boat with effort and determination.
Reading books, doing homework, and listening carefully in