
2024年10月2020:10:39发布者:谷获仔 11 views 举报


Title: The Wisdom of "Among Three Walkers, There Must

Be My Teacher"

Once upon a time, in a small village where children played

happily and learned new things every day, I heard an old

saying that made my heart fill with wonder. It said,

"Among three walkers, there must be my teacher." At first,

I didn't quite understand what it meant, but as I grew

older and walked alongside my friends, I began to see the

beauty and truth in these simple words.

Imagine, you're walking with two of your best friends on a

sunny day. One friend, let's call her Alice, is very good at

drawing. She can make flowers on paper look so real that

you almost smell their fragrance. You think, "Wow, Alice

can teach me how to draw beautiful pictures too!"

The other friend, we'll name him Bob, loves telling stories.

His imagination is like a vast ocean, full of adventure and
