题 目: 论余华小说女性形象——以家珍为中心
目 录
摘要 .....................................................................................I
一、引言 .............................................................................1
二、《活着》中家珍的形象 .....................................................1
(一)逆境中生存的家珍 ...................................................1
(二)逆来顺受的家珍 ......................................................2
三、以家珍为代表的贤妻良母 .................................................2
(一)聪明、善解人意的家珍 .............................................3
(二)爱丈夫、爱家庭的家珍 .............................................4
(三)坚强善良的家珍 ......................................................5
(四)一生清白坦荡的家珍 ................................................6
结论 ....................................................................................7
致谢 ....................................................................................8
摘要: 余华的作品中总是带有浓重的男性色彩,描写女性形象的片段和作品极少,常常关于女性的描绘是穿
On female images in Yu Hua's Novels
Faculty of Arts Chinese language and Literature Grade2013 Instructor:Qiu Kui
Abstract : Yu Hua's works are always full of male color. There are few fragments and works depicting female images.
Often, the depiction of women is interspersed with the works of male images. In the novels of Yu Hua, the whole
development fault is often described in terms of men. Yu Hua "alive" in Jean is a typical, for now the only
descriptions from your memories or some small fragments that. The familiar is representative of traditional women,
was influenced by the environment and system, confine the traditional moral ideas, women's status has been lower
than men, women are dependent on men, men's accessories, women do not have the right to freedom of choice, with a
"self sacrifice" spirit in them two; in the patriarchal thinking, and women's personal thought has the positive side, the
now no matter under what circumstances, the thought is always optimistic and upward, her body also has other flash
points: good, simple, hard-working, brave.
Keywords : Yu Hua ;《 Alive 》; JiaZhen ; female image