
2024年6月814:24:00发布者:视频作业论文全搞定 28 views 举报







【摘要】 鲁迅从小就喜欢民间文学。他是在民间文学熏陶下长大。他从事文学作品的创作,把民间文















【关键词】 鲁迅,民间文学,整理,贡献



Lu Xun's collation and contribution to folk literature

Abstract Lu Xun liked folk literature since he was a child. He grew up under the influence of folk literature.

He is engaged in the creation of literary works, which inject the refreshing and roughening of folk literature into his

literary works. He understands the history and style of most folk literature, and has a deep impression on the plain

and industrious imagination of the people in the folk literature. He uses his own viewpoint and method to explore

the revolutionary road and direction of Chinese Marx, and he has great enthusiasm for exploring colorful folk

literature. While studying the theory of folk literature, Lu Xun also put forward and complements a lot of new ideas.

He is not only the founder of modern Chinese new literature, but also a great pioneer in the study of Marxism

Leninism folk literature. Folk literature is oral literature, such as literature does not record it, it will disappear as time

goes by, so collecting folk literature is very important for protecting the meaning of folk cultural heritage. Folk

literature can reflect the authenticity of history, mainly in the evaluation of the historical materials of folk literature,

and is faithful in art. During the communication with Engels, Marx pointed out that folk literature is a valuable

historical data. In the history of research, it has great significance and is an indispensable historical material. In the

folk songs, we can not only hear the voices of the people of the past, but also hear the "modern sound". It can help

people understand history and study the psychological and ideological aspirations of people in different times

according to their materials. On the one hand, Mr. Lu Xun recorded a large number of folk literature in his creation,

and on the other hand, it mobilized a large number of folk enthusiasts to collect and collate folk literature. Lu Xun

did not direct his basic principles on how to collect and organize folk literature. But in his articles, we can see that

when collecting, collating and utilizing folklore, we should pay special attention to the originality of folk literature,

and try to keep the pure natural form and original style of folk literature. Collecting folk literature, we must stick to

the comprehensive collection of materials and make faithful records, faithful to the original characters, including all

kinds of ideological content and creative characteristics. Mr. Lu Xun's research on folk literature is of great academic


Key Words Lu Xun, folk literature, collation and contribution


目 录

1 绪 论 ..............................................................................................................1

2 鲁迅和民间文学的渊源 ................................................................................2

2.1 家庭环境的熏陶 ...........................................................................................................2

2.2 对民间文学的浓烈兴趣和爱好 ...................................................................................2

3 民间文学对鲁迅的深刻影响 ........................................................................3

3.1 奠定了自由民主的先进思想 .......................................................................................3

3.2 培养了和劳动人民的深厚情感 ...................................................................................3

4 鲁迅对民间文学的贡献 ................................................................................4

4.1 对民间传说进行深入研究 ...........................................................................................4

4.2 对新旧民间文学的比较研究 .......................................................................................4

4.3 指出民间文学的局限性 ...............................................................................................5

4.4 宣传了革命精神 ...........................................................................................................5

结 论 .................................................................................................................6

参考文献 ...........................................................................................................7

致 谢 .................................................................................................................8

1 绪 论

在鲁迅的作品创作中,他凭借其丰富的民间文学知识,对旧中国残酷而黑暗的现实进行 地鞭打

。其历史小 中的创作 灵感 源泉 大多 来源 神话 和民间 传说 。但鲁迅的创作不 模仿 或者 照搬这

历史 传说 ,而是对它们进行 升华 加工 。民间文学的 光芒 在鲁迅作品中 闪烁 战斗 火花 ,反映了劳

动人民生 的现 好的品 。真 正体 现了残酷的 统治阶级总 试图屠杀 人民 为维 护自己的 统治 ,但 群众

威权政治 暴君 的人面 ,不仅没有 被吓倒 ,或者 被杀死 反,在反对 暴政 斗争 中,表 人民 必须战

胜暴君 光明必须战胜 黑暗的 信仰 因此 ,我们可以从鲁迅的作品中看到 人的丰富的形象,与 精确 的的

,动人的 我们 翻开 鲁迅先生的文学作品,对他的作品进行研究和探 时, 他作品中民间文学的

煌光芒 速吸引 照耀 ,也 他生动朴实的民间 语言 动。它就 像刚刚精 打磨 过的 美丽珠 宝,在我们面

前闪耀 璀璨 彩,我们 将被 入到丰富多彩的民间文学 海洋 中, 快乐 遨游 ,进行没有止 的探索。

认为 鲁迅的民间文学创作充 活力 和生 。他 优秀 的民间文学理论, 成为 我们研究民 学理论的宝贵

富, 我们从马克思列 主义的 视角 研究民 学理论 开辟 了道路。 最后 我要 的是, 望大 鲁迅

的风 ,别 年轻 的时 ,在 多人是在民间文学的熏陶中长大的。民间文学是一 思想和艺术

丰富的宝 。它的创作主 那些 主要是文 的下 人民。鲁迅在具 比较 研究中,常常 赞扬 劳动人民

和他们创 的民间文学的价值。 先,鲁迅 认为 文学 来源 于劳动,充 分肯定 了劳动人民不仅是物 质财 富的创

者,而且是 精神财 富的创 者。鲁迅 于文艺 起源 于劳动的理论不是一 而就的,而是不 结果

